Set Your Mind Free Hypnosis Practice

Milton Keynes Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - CBT, Stress Management, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Anxiety and depression counselling.

Panic Attacks


Milton Keynes

Do you suffer from Panic Attacks?

We are here to help!

Cognitive Hypnotherapy for Panic Attacks in Milton Keynes

A type of anxiety disorder is panic attacks which are characterised by terror, which strikes suddenly without warning. Panic attacks usually occur due to a particular fear, whereas as in panic disorder they may occur “out of the blue”. 

Panic Attacks and Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy may help to alleviate panic attacks or disorder by direct suggestion and by cognitive behavioural therapy. It can be used to:

  • Desensitise the sufferer from certain stressors
  • Help take back control by recognising and regulating previously inappropriate responses
  • Teach new ways to relax
  • Break habitual behaviours
  • Remove anxiety triggers
  • Dissociate the sufferer from the anxiety causing problems


Common symptoms include:

  • Chest pains
  • Nausea
  • Breathlessness
  • Pounding heartbeat
  • A fear of dying
  • Sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Choking sensations
  • Numbness
  • Headache
  • Exhaustion
  • Terror

Panic attacks are a common symptom of panic disorder

Cognitive Hypnotherapy for Panic Attacks in Milton Keynes[/caption]   Panic attacks are a common symptom of panic disorder, but not everyone who has a panic attack will develop panic disorder.  Although these episodes may appear random, research indicates that they are bought on by our own ‘fight or flight’ response, which triggers hormones (particularly adrenaline) to flood our body in preparation to defend itself from a perceived threat. The effects of panic attacks continue long after an attack – fearing when the next attack will occur causes persistent worrying and intense anxiety between attacks. Panic attacks can seriously impact the way a person lives their life by limiting what they do or where they go; as they attempt to avoid situations that trigger the panic attack. Experiencing a panic attack is intensely frightening, upsetting and uncomfortable. Research suggests at least 1 in 10 people experience occasional panic attacks.   

Symptoms: Symptoms of a panic attack can be so severe that those suffering often believe they are having a heart attack or suffering from another life threatening illness.

If you would like further information about how panic attacks may be helped by cognitive hypnotherapy then call 01908 265410 for more information or to book an appointment*.

*results may vary from person to person

What people say?

When I contacted you I was at the end of my tether – my 14 year old son was struggling with crippling anxiety. 6 weeks on he is a changed person. He has relaxed, opened up and I feel like I have my son back! You have helped us through a very difficult time and given us many tools to work with. We are now well equipped for the future!

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers about panic attacks

How common is panic disorder/attacks?

About 22% of people have a panic attack in their lifetime.

What are the symptoms of panic attacks/disorder?

It is usually identified if you have any 4 of the following
  • Skipping or racing hear
  • Sweating
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Choking sensations
  • Tight chest, pressure or discomfort
  • Nausea, stomach problems or sudden diarrhoea
  • Dizziness, light-headedness, feeling faint
  • Tingling or numbness in parts of the body
  • Feeling things around you are strange or unreal, detached from your body
  • Thoughts of losing control, or going crazy
  • Fear of dying

How can panic disorder/attacks be treated?

Cognitive behavioural Therapy (CBT) has been proven to help you feel back in control.  The way it works is:Cognitive behavioural Therapy (CBT) has been proven to help you feel back in control.  The way it works is:
  1. Learning all about panic, the triggers and what maintains it.
  2. Looking at your negative unhelpful thinking styles and finding a more balanced way of looking at things.
  3. If it is caused by something in particular (e.g. lifts, planes, shopping centres) then very slow and gradual exposure will help.
  4. Finally, dealing with any underlying stress through the use of relaxing hypnotherapy.

What is the difference between a panic attack and panic disorder?

A panic attack is usually caused by a fear of something. For example, getting on a plane or going for an interview to name but a few. Whereas panic disorder can come out of the blue even if you are just sitting quietly watching the TV.

What is the outcome of panic attacks/disorder?

The overwhelming fear of panic can lead to significant distress. Just the fear of having another one can be worse than the actual symptoms themselves. I often describe it as “fear of fear” also anticipatory anxiety.

Approximately one-third of people with panic will also develop agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is characterised by symptoms of anxiety in situations/places where you may perceive it to be unsafe, with no easy way out. That may include open spaces, public transport, shopping centres or anywhere away from your home.

What is at the root of panic attacks/disorder?

There may be a very mild genetic predisposition. Also, a sensitivity to adrenaline. A bit like a car alarm going off in a gentle breeze. A person having a panic attack experiences this “false alarm” and feels as if his life is truly in jeopardy. Thus, a fight, flight or freeze state is produced.

What are the recommended number of sessions for panic disorder/attacks?

The minimum number of sessions recommended for CBT is 6, although you may require more. Everyone is different and progresses at different rates.

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